Use Case: Domestic Water Works in Augmented Reality
Each of our customers has a different intention when using AR, VR or 3D. From now on, we will introduce you to selected customer applications. From now on we will introduce you to selected applications of our customers here in a loose sequence. We hope to stimulate your imagination so that you too can gain a competitive advantage through the use of these new technologies.
Especially technical products are often so complex that they can hardly be adequately presented by a handful of photos in online stores or websites. Our customers’ customers want to explore even the furthest corners of the technical products themselves.
By using Augmented Reality, you can give your customers that view in every single detail of your product – giving you a competitive advantage.
An additional added value is that your customers can inspect the products in their original size. The driving force is obviously quite different from, for example, when buying furniture supported by Augmented Reality from the home couch. For technical products, the available room is relevant. Whether a product fits can easily be determined visually by using Augmented Reality.
For the company T.I.P. Technische Industrie Produkte GmbH we have digitized our today’s example – a domestic water system.
We present this customer product using most modern technology again – namely browser-based Augmented Reality (WebAR). So Augmented Reality on smartphone and tablet – without an app. Just one click away from your online store.
Just try it yourself: