AR without an app: now with more options
Animations have recently become possible on iOS. Here is a product example for your inspiration.
One topic in talks with customers is the ability for special effects in Augmented Reality on iOS and Android. Finally, many of you are really looking forward to animations among other things.
The reasons for current technical limits are usually not based within the 3D/AR objects capabilities, but in the “viewers” that iOS and Android bring with them to display such objects. These viewers ensure that the objects can be displayed on smartphones with a single tap and without the need to download an app. If your customers were willing to download an app from the respective app store first, the possibilities would be much more unlimited. However, the vast majority of our customers prefers to use it without an app.
But these viewers – specifically QuickLook on iOS and SceneViewer on Android – are being further developed at great speed by Apple and Google.
Since the end of 2021, both operating systems have been able to display animations as a continuous loop in Augmented Reality. However, it is not possible to start or stop the loop. With iOS it is now also possible to add sound to an object. This is not possible with Google – yet; but is expected soon.
As inspiration for these new possibilities of animations of your products, we scanned Santa Claus for you. Enjoy watching!

Please note about the sound: in order to hear the sound on the iPhone, the “ring/silent” switch must not be in the “silent” position.
See image.
As mentioned before: unfortunately there is no sound on Android at the moment.
For your products too?
Shouldn’t your customers be able to explore your products like this? Please see for prices of our scanning service on your behalf or for a 3D scanning system onsite:
Which devices are supported?
You don’t need an app anymore to view AR models. By now the technology has been deeply integrated into the mobile operating systems iOS and Android as both Google and Apple see the enormous potential.
As the result more than two billion smartphones have this capability at present (May 2021). And on your side you don’t have to do more than add a normal link to your online shop or website; no initial investment, no software development.
AR requires an iOS or iPadOS device with iOS 11 (or later) and an A9 processor or later; in detail:
– iPhone 6S or later
– iPad Pro (all models)
– iPad (5th generation) or later
– iPad mini (5th generation) or later
– iPad Air (3rd generation) or later
– iPod touch (7th generation) or later
AR usually requires Android 7.0 or later. The capable devices can be found at This list is continuously updated by Google: