WirtschaftsWoche pays tribute to Norbert Zimmermann
In the “Heroes of German Mittelstand” series, WirtschaftsWoche magazine presents entrepreneurs who have achieved outstanding results. Our CEO, Norbert Zimmermann, receives this honor in the current issue.
For almost a quarter of a century, our CEO, Norbert Zimmermann, has been following his vision of digitizing physical objects and then using them in three-dimensional space. In addition to automatically capturing the most perfect digital object possible, algorithms for minimizing the data volume to be transferred and of course machine development are also important for him.
During this time, he invested a lot of his own money and motivated his team again and again to achieve top performance.
He is following the strict belief that augmented reality, virtual reality and 3D will fundamentally change the world around us.
Due to the rapid technological advancements in mobile phone technologies, it is now clear to everyone how far-sighted his visions have always been. After all, every one of us can take a close look at augmented reality with our smartphones.
In WirtschaftsWoche, one of the business magazines with the greatest reach in Germany, he has now been honored in the series “Heroes of German Mittelstand”.
Here is the full article for you (in German):