German Bundestag: »Digital Agenda« parliamentary commission visited us #HM19
The German Parliament’s commission asked us: What does the future look like with AR & VR? How can we make our industry future-proof?
Yesterday, the German Parliament’s commission »Digital Agenda« visited our booth in Hanover. This committee is dedicated to the current digital issues and is the driving force behind the Parliament’s decision-making on digital transformation.
MPs were keenly interested in how the economy will fundamentally change through the use of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality – and as it applies equally to industry, commerce and service industry.
Norbert Zimmermann, our CEO and visionary thinker, showed examples from projects with our customers to explain how companies need to position themselves today so that they can compete tomorrow. And what results from this for smaller companies, medium-sized companies and corporations.
Zimmermann explained, that, for example, most facets of “Smart Factory/Industry 4.0” would not be conceivable without VR and AR. That the development of new products through the use of VR substantially increases in efficiency and thus the time-to-market can be dramatically shortened. Or that this is a huge chance for the local retail trade to avert the threating customer erosion – and this not to be in contradiction to the simultaneous strengthening of online trade.
The MPs then spellboundly examined the examples of digitized customers’ products from various industries in Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality shown at our booth. As always with our visitors, spontaneously the desire arose to “touch” the virtual objects.
We were very pleased about the commission’s visit and today, with our technologies, we are happy to help ensure that our economy continues to prosper in the future.
Thank you very much!
Until Friday still here for you: Hall 6 | G10
More about the Hannover Messe 2019 can be found here: