Incredible: we received the TOP 100 innovator award!

We have just received the “TOP 100 Innovator 2021” award and are deeply honored. The TOP 100 innovation competition is probably one of the most renowned of its kind in Germany and honors medium-sized companies for their innovation management and their outstanding innovation success.
We hear again and again from our customers that there is no better way in the world today to create the digital twin of a physical product than our 3D scanning systems. Then we are always very happy. After all, high-tech is our life.
TOP 100 Innovator
Of course, it’s the icing on the cake when – as in this competition – a scientific study based on 120 transparent and comprehensible criteria comes to the conclusion that we are among the most innovative medium-sized companies in Germany.
The competition
Here a few more facts about this competition: The innovation potential of the respective company is assessed. This evaluation is done regarding five categories:
– Innovation success
– Innovation climate
– Innovative processes and organization
– External orientation / open innovation
– Top management promoting innovation
Ranga Yogeshwar as mentor, Fraunhofer as partner
The scientific evaluation is carried out by Professor Nikolaus Franke and his team. Franke is head of the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Vienna University of Economics and Business and is considered one of the world’s leading scientists in the field of innovation.
The mentor of TOP 100 is the well-known science journalist and author Ranga Yogeshwar. As a media partner, manager magazin and impulse accompany the competition. Project partners are the Federal Association of Medium-Sized Enterprises (BVMW) and the Fraunhofer Society.
Do you want to inspire your customers too?
Here are selected AR examples from our customers that have been digitized with our technologies: